Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy New Year!

champagne.jpgI may be a little late, but today I finally thought of my New Year's resolutions. I have two of them. The first is actually to DO the few simple craft business ideas I have and to start NOW, doing what I am able while working within the limitations of my living and financial situations, which are not well-suited for a home-based startup. Coming up with a name for the business will happen eventually. The second is to dress well and take good care with my appearance. They say to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I don't want to be a homeless person, but sometimes that's how I dress. I'm not going to start wearing power suits and such, but I figure nice heels, a little jewelry, and some nicer looking clothes like slacks that should be ironed every now and then would help me ease into the appearance of the businesswoman I'm becoming.

I did take some initiative by buying some supplies for two crafty projects I can use as the start of an idea I've had for a while. I don't want to give away too much right now because I don't have anything set up yet. I will be starting it on Etsy because I am familiar and comfortable with that venue. I'm working on a banner/logo for it now even though I'm not entirely happy with the name. I am going to go with it anyway because if I don't, I will use not having the perfect name as an excuse to twiddle my thumbs. After I buy some more supplies today and do some testing and documenting, I will have two products to offer in this mystery line. I know that doesn't seem like much, but it's a start, which is huge for me.

Of course, I do have a habit of not finishing things I start. Like school. I am THIS close to getting my Bachelor's in Business, but I'm dragging my feet. I'm stuck between hating my current living situation where I would have to stay until I finish and having the opportunity to move to Chicago where I would have to wait a while before being able to transfer with resident status to a new college. I am also stuck between wanting to get the degree just for the satisfaction of getting it and thinking school is a waste of time and money. My mom sure would be proud of me and happy for me if I got it, though. But what good would it really do? I just don't know. If I got it I would still be lazy and unmotivated. No degree is going to change that. I wish I knew what will.

[This post was originally written and posted on January 8, 2008 on my old blog.]

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